Getting Started with the
Videokits app for iOS

Use the Videokits™ mobile app to create, deploy, and collect a custom interview. Try it now by installing the app and entering a kit code. Time commitment should be no more than 15 minutes. Here's how it works:

Get the Videokits pro app
Open the app. Enter kit code: MOODVLOG

1. Enter Basic Data

Enter your name and company details.

NOTE: Because this app uses the camera you will need to allow it to access your microphone and camera.

2. Select a Shot

Tap on the thumbnail images to answer questions about your venture experience.

3. Record

The question overlays the camera screen. Read the question and tap the Record button to narrate your response. Tap again to stop recording.

TIP: To ensure good audio quality, avoid noisy environments. Please turn off or turn down AC fans and radio.

4. Upload

Whenever you are ready, upload your video. All videos will be stored privately for internal use only.

You will be uploading HD quality videos so use a good wi-fi connection.

It's best to stay on this screen until the upload is complete. The Upload button will turn green when finished.